Monday, November 12, 2012

Where Have You Been!?

That's the question I've been asking myself the past week. Truth be told, I haven't been sitting around doing nothing in that time (I promise!) but instead I have been hard at work with a number of projects including preparing for the Kickstarter.

So what have I done? Let's take a look at the list.

  1. Get a proper website: I've spoken before that I'm working on this. I want to post in the future what some of the pages will look like. The art for this is all done save for a few missing components and pictures. (In progress)
  2. Design the final cards: This is why I've been working so hard on the card backs lately. Now that the backs are done, I want to get the final art in for the fronts. Then I'll be all set!
  3. Copyright: I've also said this before. Copyrighting is going to be a huge thing so that no one steals my idea or name. It should be simple enough to do.
  4. Book Editing: The book is now finished, so I need to edit it! I want to send it to publishing agents by the time the Kickstarter starts, so I need to make sure it's as polished as it can be.
  5. Perfect the Rulebook: The rulebook has been something I've been working on and off on for the past month. I need to make sure the rules are clear and understandable for anyone who wants to pick up the game and play. A few sessions in the QA lab should fix this.
  6. Speak to Blogs: I've been thinking this over and I want to spread the word of what I'm working on to other big named sites once I have something more to my name. It will be awesome to get even one of the major sites on the internet like The Escapist to do an article about what I'm working on.
  7. Rewards: Kickstarter is about giving rewards to people who pledge money to you, therefore I need to  think long and hard about the kind of rewards I'd like to give. I have a few ideas and may even do a future article about it.
  8. Design the Page: How Kickstarter is going to work is I'll have a page all to myself that I have to post information on about my project to get people interested. I'll be doing research all month to find out what sort of design successful pages go for. (In progress)
  9. (Optional Step) Find an Agent: This may be optional considering I may go the self publishing route, but it would be awesome to have an agent to help me publish the book. Even an adviser would excellent in the coming days.
Obviously there still a lot more to do but with what I have right now I'd say I'm making excellent headway. I think the count is 19 days left, so that should be plenty of time to work on the steps, particularly the Kickstarter page step (step 8).

Unfortunately, there isn't much for me to show you guys just yet save for the new cards which are all complete. So here you are, enjoy!

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