Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sneak Peak: Chapter Two

I figured because I haven't been as focused with this blog as I should be, I'd offer you guys a little treat in the form of a sneak preview of the Masquerade Book Chapter Two. This is an unedited version (professionally at least) done by me, so please excuse some glaring mistakes if you spot any.

Where the story last left off (you can read Chapter One here: King Alric has been found dead and Mary the Mute has been decided as the primary suspect. What horrors await her and Newgate at the hands of the Queen?

This is really the chapter where the main antagonist of the story is introduced in conversation. You'll see what I mean if you read to the end...


Newgate paced around outside the cell room where Mary was being tortured. Even though he was the Captain, he was forbidden to enter the cell to confront the girl. Count Wymund had decided to keep him company during the wait.

            “I’m sure this is all just some huge misunderstanding, right Captain? I mean, the girl’s not even a teenager after all!”

            “I wish there was a mistake, my lord.” Newgate responded coldly. “I really do.”

            “But where’s the proof? I mean, all they did was find her in the room. The King was killed by the dagger and pushed through a window. How can a little girl do something like that?”

            “I don’t want to believe it Wymund, but there’s enough proof to put her in prison…”

            Newgate crossed his arms and began recollecting the evidence. “First off she was the only person in the room at the same time as King Alric. Second, I know for a fact that I locked the door before I left her inside and the lock had been intact when they found her. Finally, she doesn’t deny her charges; she isn’t even putting up a fight to defend herself.”

            “But she a mute isn’t she?”

            “Then why hasn’t she made a fuss about being arrested? Kicked us, punch us, bite us? She hasn’t done anything but accept her fate. The Queen can only assume she is responsible.”

            “To hell with the Queen, aren’t you her father Newgate!?”

            Newgate gave the angriest stare Wymund had ever seen. “In name and only in name, she is no blood child of mine especially after this…This…Complete shame. If she didn’t do it, she must have seen who did. Why wouldn’t she try to communicate to us as to whom really did it unless she was the one?”

            He then turned to pacing again while the young count stood there with fists clenched with rage.

            “Shouldn’t family come before duty!?”

            “Must I repeat myself? She is no child of mine…”

            “So you believe she did that of her own accord then!? You think a young girl would just murder someone in cold blood for no clear reason!?”

            Newgate paused in thought before facing Wymund with a look of sternness and seriousness most befitting a Captain of the Guard. He closely approached the Count as to not be overheard.

            “No, no I do not Wymund and there’s a reason why she wouldn’t, though I dare not speak to anyone about it. Mary is-“

            But before the Captain could begin, the door to the cell opened to a particularly bloody looking man wearing an apron and carrying tools of torture.

            “The Queen has asked to bring you in, Captain. Just the Captain, kid,” he spoke to Wymund.

            The torture room was a grizzly sight; rusty tools lined the walls like trophies while bones and other human remains hung from the ceiling to serve as a warning. At the end of the room was Mary strapped naked to a board on the wall, she was spread out like a star with spikes gouged into her hands and feet. Tears were pouring down her face, mixing in with the blood from fresh wounds. Newgate didn’t even so much as look at her as he approached the Queen who had been quietly sitting in the corner next to two torturers observing everything.

            “The guests have all been safely escorted back to their rooms in the palace,” she spoke to Newgate. “No one has since exited the castle after the incident. We are left with few other suspects.”

            “Why have you come here, your majesty?”

            “I much desired to see the little whore my husband had been keeping as a pet receive her just reward. I’d say my husband had also claimed his punishment, as well.” She sneered.

            “Forgive me for being so blunt, your highness. But it seems as if you are enjoying this.”

            “I told you before, Captain, you should be mindful of your careless accusations. What I am enjoying is the relative safety in knowing that my husband’s murderer is now in custody and I am no longer in danger.”

            Newgate grunted and finally looked over at Mary. Seeping wounds were gaping all over her tiny body. It was a traitor’s punishment, the most brutal and the most torturous. The sight was even more difficult to look at knowing that she was considered related to him, even though it was not by blood, in the eyes of the Avalot court.

            “I’m sure this is very difficult to swallow, Captain Newgate. After failing to protect the person whom you were swore to only to have the murderer be your daughter.”

            The Queen grinned and grabbed Mary’s face with one plump hand. “I personally find it ironic that the girl Alric had kept from me ended up being the death of him.”

            Newgate remained silent for a while, staring at Mary like she was a work of art. As Wymund had said, it was difficult to believe that such a little girl could be responsible for pushing a grown man out a window. Another solitary fact made Mary an unlikely suspect, though that was something not to be repeated in public. Though the Queen certainly knew of if, she seemed to choose to ignore it.

            “I’ll need a full team of investigators,” said Newgate at last. “I need men who will work around the clock to solve this mystery.”

            “There is no mystery Newgate and as I recall, you are not the man in charge of this investigation because of your biased opinions in the matter, father.”

            He glared at her, like an angry dog. “I owe it to my king to investigate matters further.”

            “Your king is dead. You should accept this simple fact, Captain Gunter Newgate.”

            A silence filled the void between both the Captain and the Queen, save for the hushed whimpers of Mary. The torturers had taken a step back. Were they to take sides, they’d either be beheaded by order of their Queen or impaled by their Captain’s own sword. Only they could speak so sharply and imprudently with each other without being reprimanded. The loyal soldier and the glutinous queen, they were two paragons that had been in conflict with one another for quite some time.

            “Enough of this incessant banter, your duty is to protect me now, Newgate. A funeral and an execution shall be held after the festival, shortly after my father arrives. And that will be the end of it.”

            “That man is coming here?”

            “And why should he not? The Emperor of Berma was invited to the masquerade originally, was he not? He has every right to attend his son-in-law’s funeral.”

            Newgate looked more shocked than he did when he learned Mary had been accused of the killing.

            “Is there a problem, Captain?”

            He did not answer. He merely retreated from the cell room, slamming the door open and passing a confused Count Wymund on the way out without stopping. She did not stop until his path ended at the edge of a balcony overlooking the city.

            “I should have known…He would be coming…”

            “I suppose this is not the time to be inquisitive on if a potential release will be possible for the girl?”

            “Bigger matters to attend to Wymund,” replied Newgate without a glance behind him. “Much bigger matters.”

            “You’re hardly what I’d call a good father then, Captain.”

            “I’d never lay claim to such a thing…”

            The two men stared off into the capital city below them, beyond the glorious tall walls of the castle. Like a lighthouse on an island, the castle stood on top of and surrounded by the main districts of Avo. Imagine a construction of toy blocks piled up with a single tower on top and you’d have Avo and Castle Decre. Everything inside the castle behind the wall was beautiful, from the luscious gardens, to the stained glass windows, to the marble statues, and even to the servants working. Castle Decre was an entity of perfection for all who dwelled within it and its beauty stood in stark contrast to the city below it. Avo’s colors were feces brown and gray, while the castle’s colors were that of gold and emerald green. It was a beacon of light rising above the swamp of sorrows. It was as if the city itself was built to support the much smaller castle.

            “Why does her fate concern you so much, Wymund?”

            “I wish to wed her.”


            “I merely jest, Captain. If you truly wish to understand my motives, you need only look ahead.”

            Newgate gazed first at the slums beneath them, then the forest beyond the city, and then the mountains even further beyond that. “What am I supposed to be seeing?”

            “Exactly, my plight rests with what cannot be seen from upon this throne.”

            The Count slumped laxly on the balcony railing, staring at the city below with an almost saddened look in his eyes. “Few nobles consider the impact of their decisions on others save for the others in their select circles. What do they care about the sufferings of others without the money or status to be of importance to them? What of the blacksmiths and the barkeepers? The laborers and the whores? The merchants and the beggars?”

            “What of them?”

            “Indeed, what of them? They are the quiet force holding up everything we know. It’s fitting that this castle is directly in the center and build on top of the city that supports it. Who knows what would happen should the bottom give way?”

            “Are you speaking from experience, Wymund?”

            “I suppose my youth as an orphan has offered a unique view of things. But father always cared about those below him; his will demanded half of his fortune go to a new sewer system for the commoners and even raised orphanages, after all. Why can’t all the nobles be as generous?”

            “Because when you take away their money and status, all they really are is empty husks in the form of people.”

            Wymund laughed. “Yes, some of us certainly act like it at times. When it comes down to it though, we’re all people with feelings. We bleed, we laugh, and we live.”

            “A rather optimistic point of view, especially in these dark times, I fail to see how this relates to Mary though.”

            “If you don’t protect your feet, Newgate, your whole body ends up tripping over. There’s nothing just about the treatment she’s going through and judging by the look in your eye, you know it too. No trials and no investigations are unfair for anyone.”

            “They will not execute her. At least not until the Emperor arrives.”

            “What’s that?”

            “The Emperor of Berma, Queen Beatrice’s father, will be coming here, soon.”

            “Now I’m the one who does not understand. Is this a problem of sorts?”

            Newgate opened his mouth as if to say something but instead closed it and rubbed the long scar across his nose as if it suddenly had started to ache. “I forget, this was a long time ago. Such names must mean nothing to you young people.”

            “Where are you going?”

            “To retire,” Newgate replied as he turned to leave down the prison tower. “I suggest you do the same, the Queen plans to continue the masquerade tomorrow.”

            Newgate left Wymund there alone on the balcony, quietly excusing himself to the barracks for a meal and some rest. But no one could rest easy that night, the King was dead and the halls of the castle were filled with the restless spirits of the long forgotten kings and queens. It was almost as if a curse had been placed on the inhabitants. Soon, a quiet midnight covered Castle Dacre, as only two eyes in the whole grounds remained awake and open while the rest slumbered in a fitful sleep under the dark red sky.

            Mary quietly shivered in the corner of her cell, still naked and badly wounded but alive. After all that had happened, sleep would be an impossible thing. Her guards saw no reason to keep watch over a harmless little girl, had they thought to stay awake they might have caught the long dark figure approaching the cell door.

            The figure threw some food to Mary, who had been denied food since her arrival. She looked up at the entity with eyes of hopeful grace and relief, tears rolled down her cheeks as she devoured the beard.

            “You have endured much already,” spoke the figure. “But there is a long ways to go. Things will only get worse from here on. You must be strong, you will be free soon.”

            Mary nodded hesitantly.

            “You’ve done well. Have no fear of what the future holds. Claim what is rightfully yours.”

Monday, September 24, 2012

QA Video is Finally Up

Hey guys, just a quick update on some videos I've done recently. Firstly, there's the QA (Quality Assurance) video I put together for my recent playtesting session with the Masquerade card game at school. When you check it out, please excuse the narrow frame. I stupidly filmed with cellphone on the wrong side and video came out funky on my computer.

The session went really well though and I'm glad I could finally post what a game looks like on the internet. The players had a lot of fun and gave some excellent feedback (which I still need to compile into the computer at some point).

Other than that, there's my updated blog video which you can check out here.

I think I'm going to be doing a big blog post in the future on some more book related topics, so you fans of the Masquerade book can look forward to that. Maybe another character study piece since the Gunter Newgate one went over so well...

That's all for now, thanks for your support!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Video and Some Art

The twelfth video is up for my video blogs, I bring up the question as to if I should switch from Blogger to WordPress for my website. Blogger has been good, but I have a feeling WordPress will just let me do more.

Anyways, here's the newest video:

Also, I've been working with my graphic designer and other artists to get some card back art for the Masquerade card game. Check it out!

It really fits the direction I wanted to go with the back and he's still coming up with a few new details. I'll post them as they come up!

Let me know what you guys think so far!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Eleventh Video and a Rare Treat

Hey guys!

Here's the 11th video blog update where I talk about how playtesting went (it went really well to paraphrase) as well as a special treat for my blog followers.

As you may already know, I've posted the first chapter to the Masquerade story before. Here's something completely different though, the first draft of my first chapter before I rewrote the thing! Compared to the new first chapter, this is kind of short but it really speaks volumes as to how much I have improved in writing over the months.

Here we actually see Newgate interact with King Alric, but that was one of the reasons why this chapter was cut. I wanted Alric to be a constant figure described differently by different people in the story so that the audience wouldn't know what to think about him. Mary has less of a role in the story like this as well, despite being there the whole time. That was mended in my most recent chapters where she has a presence in the crowd even though she's a mute.

Check it out!


“Lucky bastard gets this fine young lass to bring him his evening brew every night. Ain’t fair, it is. I’d want some lovely wench to pour my drink in the eve too.” Spoke Sir Arthur Stout.

            His companion, Sir Alan Mourne, sighed like an annoyed parent. “Mind your tongue, you old fool. You’ll be lucky if you don’t end up imprisoned. She can hear you, you know.”

            Mary continued to quietly walk ahead of her two armed escorts, pretending to be focusing on balancing the flagon of ale on the plate in her hand. She couldn’t say a word to let them know she was listening even if she wanted to.

            “Bah! You worry too much. She’s certainly quite a looker though; he has good tastes despite her age and all. You know what the boys in the armory say about him?”

            “I hesitate to wonder…”

            “Likes the finest young veal, he does, takes them into his quarters alone. Young meat is more firm than old wrinkly meat. Certainly smells hell of a lot better, I can tell you that much.”

            “What his majesty does with any young ladies in his private quarters is of no business to me.”

            “Aye, says the virgin.”

            “If you keep at this old lecher, I’ll see to it that you never fornicate again.”

            Mary’s hands trembled slightly at the thought of what would happen if she did end up face down on a bed when she entered King Alric’s private chambers. She wondered that every night when she went to deliver the King’s brew. It was always her and only her, not any of the other twenty one barmaids. The only thing that made her special was her age. Despite the overwhelming fear of being done away with and not even twelve yet, she could not scream for help from anyone.

            “Aw come on now, we both know you enjoy my company. What’s eating her anyway, despite being sent to the love nest and all?”

            Sir Alan was annoyed but eager for the chance to change the subject. “She’s a mute, or so the rumor goes. She can hear and see just fine, but when it comes to talking she can’t say a word.”

            “Truly? I suppose that makes it easier on old King Alric. A little less talking and a little more action is always what I enjoy in my beddings.” Sir Arthur laughed hoarsely.

            Mary could tell that Sir Alan was having just about enough of Sir Arthur’s crude behavior by the way he said. “Will you please keep silent, Stout? She’s going to hear you…”

            “What do you care if she hears us? Did you not just say she’s a mute? What could she possibly do to reprimand us? Make crude gestures?”

            “It’s not her who frightens me, only her guardian.”

            “The Captain?”

            “At last, some sense creeps into that hollow chasm you call a head. You know full well he is her attendant, Stout. The Captain is not someone I wish to tread against, especially by harassing his charge.”

            Sir Arthur paused for a moment. “Why would the Captain watch over some wench commoner?”

            “Honestly, is all that fills that minuscule brain of yours sex and food? Why would a man whom is fundamentally a noble keep a young girl as his child when he himself doesn’t even have a wife?”

            “Ohhh, he did the naughty with some strumpet then?”

            “To put it bluntly, yes. It’s miracle that his status wasn’t revoked by the King for such debauchery. Captains are never allowed wives, let alone whores.”

            Mary closed her eyes and sighed, she was growing tired of hearing this conversation for it hadn’t been the first time she had listened to it. Growing up, she had never been told who her mother was, which made her a bastard child. Captain of the King’s Guard, Gunter Newgate, had taken the role of her father figure, even though he himself had claimed time and time again that he bore no relation to Mary.

            “Don’t you know?” said Sir Arthur. “He and King Alric were companions, childhood friends in the time before the alliance.”

            For once, Sir Alan was interested in Stout’s gossiping. “Impossible. The Captain was a commoner at birth. How does a peasant befriend royalty?”

            “You have me on that, but there it is. The Captain isn’t the right hand of the old King for nothing. They’re like brothers, they are.”

            “I think you’re making this up.”

            A new voice broke up the impending argument in an instant. “Are you soldiers, or gossiping housewives?”

            Both Sir Arthur and Sir Alan practically jumped out of their chainmail at the commanding call that echoed the very halls of the western wing. Only Mary seemed to act with relative calmness at the figure standing in front of the group.

He was an imposing man with a long jagged scar that ran across his nose touching the tips of his trimmed black beard. Though he looked ragged and weathered, the man still had an air of nobility and properness about him unfitting to the appearance of an old soldier. But judging how precisely he moved Mary had the impression that he could cleave her in two with one swing of his sword if he wanted to.

            “C-Captain Newgate.” Stuttered Sir Alan.

            The Captain stepped forward, stopping just short of both guardsmen. His tone suggested impatience, but Mary knew better than that. This was his standard manner of punishment, no beatings, no scolding. He just simply used fear to do all the work. Mary had long since built up immunity to it.

            “The three of you are late. I expected a simple drink would not take so much time to conjure up.”

            Neither of Mary’s two escorts seemed brave enough to talk back to their commanding officer. Newgate seemed to notice the sullen glares from Mary and return them with a commanding stare.

            “Come, you have kept him waiting long enough.”

            He stepped to the side and motioned for Mary to pass him and continue up the stairs at the far end of the hall. She silently obeyed, dreading to be placed alone in the company of the King.

            She bravely continued her march up with Newgate close behind. At the top of the stairway, away from the din of the castle courtyard below, was the King’s private quarters. Inside his lordship was there sitting at his desk writing. Newgate did a slight bow.

            “Your majesty…”

            “Ah, good, you’re here at last! Writing all these letters has made me parched. Come in, come in!”

            The King’s face lit up from the candlelight. He had one of the biggest beards Mary had ever seen, white and wooly as a sheep. Underneath his facial hair were bright red cheeks, big and plump matching the King’s protruding gut. He wasn’t dressed in the fanciest of clothing or wearing his crown, but the rich gold velvet robe signified his status as a powerful noble.

            “My dear, you look as beautiful as ever. So innocent, so pure…” the King gently patted Mary’s face before grabbing his drink.

            “My lord, if I may?” Newgate interrupted.

            “There’s no need to be so formal, Gunter.”

            Newgate hesitated. “My lord, I have been having concerns lately about some rumors.”

            “Pertaining to what?”

            “The so-called celebration tomorrow.”

            The King looked at Newgate with a peculiar expression before taking a long sip of his beverage. “I understand your concerns, but it should be a standard affair.”

            “A standard affair or a pit of vipers, your majesty?”

            “Our disagreements with our neighbors are a thing of the past. That was the whole reason for the party, Gunter. It’s to be a formal arrangement to welcome in the coming years of peace.”

            “That much I can understand, the problem lies with you going and the dark tidings I’ve heard.”

            The King laughed, it was hearty yet hollow. Mary hated that laugh. “You make it sound like I’m in danger, Gunter.”

            Newgate didn’t respond. He looked at the King with a cold serious stare. Mary couldn’t tell if the King was frowning or smiling due to his beard, he took another long sip and finished his beverage before setting it back down on her tray.

            “And? When is a king not in danger?” King Alric continued. “But do you expect the Emperor of Berma to lash at me with a dagger in my own court?”

            “No, I suspected that particular dagger from his daughter after the both of you were married.”

            The King gave another hollow laugh. “At least your sense of humor hasn’t dwindled, old friend.”

            “And what if I said that wasn’t a joke?”

            “Then you’d be lucky she isn’t with us, else she’d have you hauled off to the prison.”

            “You’d let her depose of your captain of the guard?”

            “Well, no. But giving her the thought that she has the power to do so makes life a lot easier for me. Not many trust Bermans in our kingdom, even if a Berman is their queen.”

            “In all seriousness your majesty, it’s my personal opinion as your captain…And your friend that you keep your wits about you tomorrow. Even though you are the Emperor’s son-in-law, you are also the son of his enemy.”

            “You needn’t remind me, Gunter. The last time we dined together the old tyrant wanted to stab me with his fork.”

            “I’m not just worried about the Emperor either…”

            Newgate paced around the room a few times as Mary retreated into a dark corner eager to stay out of this conversation. The Captain stopped at the giant map located at the center table. Many of Avalot’s once stalwart enemies had been either swept away or joined in an alliance with the kingdom ever since it and the Berman Empire had joined forces. There were few lands on the map that hadn’t joined the alliance or been conquered.

            “I can’t help but feel concerned about our other neighbors.”

            “He who trusts no one has no one to trust him in return.”

            “They’ve all wanted to destroy the kingdom at one point.”

            “Only because they were concerned about the safety of their nations, just as we were about ours.”

            “Regardless, it’s hard to see who’s a friend here. These nobles are two faced in my opinion; they’re just as likely to stab you in the back as they are to be your ally. Their trust is only as deep as their pockets or their interests.”

            “We’ve both played the game of politics before old friend, there’s nothing new here.”

            “Just a bad feeling is all. This masquerade party is going to be the largest gathering of foreign leaders in the history of any country.”

            “All the more reason to be open with them. To set an example for the rest of them, we must be a good host.”

            Newgate grunted, “You’re going to get yourself killed, Al.”

            “You’re worrying far too much. This will be a simple affair, you’ll see.”

            “I hope you’re right, your majesty.” He did a slight bow before turning to leave. “Good night.”

            The room was quiet then as King Alric sat in his chair contemplating the events that had unfolded. At first Mary had hoped that the King had forgotten about her, silently waiting in the shadows attempting not to be seen. There was no such luck to be had, he looked straight at her.

            “Come here, my dear…”

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Game Plan

After giving it some thought after a previous video, I think I finally know what I want to do with Masquerade (both the book and the card game that is).

Basically, if you're too lazy to watch the video here's the general plan:

1. Design the art for the card- Including the card backs and maybe logos
2. Begin a kickstarter on for the card game- This will build the game's popularity and pave the way to step three.
3. Get Masquerade printed- Have a real deck of the card game
4. Advertisement the card game on the Champlain College campus
5. Send the card game to other colleges- Talk to friends online who go to other schools and have them play the game with friends to spread popularity
6. Join a game convention and market the card game- Buy a table and pitch the game to a wide audience who may appreciate the game!
7. Reach out to publishers with both the card game and the book

The overarching goal is to bring the game and the book to someone who might be interested in selling both together! How often do you find a book inspired by a card game, after all?

So what do you guys think? Is this all possible? I certainly hope so!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Gunter Newgate: A Character Study

This is a new little featured I'd like to add to the blog about a popular figure in the card game and one of the main characters in the book, Captain Gunter Newgate.

In both the card game and the book, Newgate is a powerhouse and a badass in every sense of the word (if you excuse the slang). Originally for the design, I had planned for him to be this middle aged man who could kick your butt in a second despite his age. I had been reading a lot of the manga One Piece at the time and one of the characters, Edward Newgate, served as an inspiration for Gunter's last name. As for the name Gunter, that was simply an old fashioned name that I thought was fitting for someone with that much strength. If I ever have two boys when I have children, I'd name the second one Gunter.

I wanted Gunter to have this presence whenever he joined the field in the card game, but I also wanted him to be honored bound to the King. In the Masquerade book, I explore this concept a bit further as well as his past as a soldier. Not wishing to spoil anything, in the book Newgate is one of the main characters (the other being Mary the Mute who is actually his adopted daughter). Gunter is a veteran to one of the most bloodiest battles in the kingdom's history, which explains where he learned his skills as a fighter.

That's where things get interesting, with Gunter I wanted to explore shell-shock in war. The battle may have ended a long time ago but the war for Gunter never really ended. In that sense, he's a bit of a tragic figure who's trying to go through life finding his purpose now that there are no enemies to fight. Of course, that all changes when the King ends up murdered in the first chapter, propelling him into an adventure that I think he'd really rather not have (read the first chapter in this blog if you have time:

In the book, his character arc really is an exploration in letting go what was lost and overcoming the horrors of war. Gunter is strong physically, but he's aging and is deeply troubled mentally. Only his relationship with the King, an old childhood friend, has been keeping him balanced over the years.

In the card game, he's probably one of the best cards you can have at your side with 8 attack and 8 health while face up. He can utterly destroy just about any card in play and has one of the strongest defenses making him a valuable card to have, as was intended by design. Originally, I wanted to balance him out by putting him under the control of anyone who had the King card so that he could defend them but I scrapped that concept. It was too complicated to have him switching around the field like that when his sole purpose was to break things for you, not dance between players.

Players really connect with him and I think he's a damn good main character for the Masquerade book.

"I serve ONLY his majesty" - Gunter Newgate

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Video Blog Number 7 and Graphic Design Plans

This weekend has been BUSY. There's so much work I need to do and so little time to do it! That said, I'm still updating the blog with my video blogs and am working to finish the book (currently on chapter 39). Also I'm going to try to speak to a graphic designer about designing the card games.

Here's the latest blog on Youtube:

I think the next full entry I do on this blog will be a character study on the main character in the novel, Captain Gunter Newgate. I'd like to talk about his history, his inspiration, and his impact on the audience so please look forward to it!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, September 14, 2012

What is Masquerade? Part 2

This might feel like beating a dead horse with a stick at this point, but it's probably important for me to continue explaining on my blog what Masquerade is. Maybe I'll go into more detail of the history behind it as well.

As I said in the last "What is Masquerade", Masquerade started out as a card game idea in my semester in Montreal.

Even if it's early stages, the Masquerade card game was a huge success. Nearly everyone spending the semester in Montreal had the chance to play it. For the beginning few playtests I even used notebook cards as replacement for real cards. I actually still have them as a memento.


People loved the characters on the cards so much after I added pictures on them that I began to formulate a story behind the game, besides the whole murder the king plot. After talking the idea over a few times with an online friend, who was also a writer, I eventually worked out a strong enough plot and gained the confidence to start writing.

And that's where...I fell flat on my face. The actual first chapter I hated so much that I scrapped the whole thing and started writing again from scratch. I will show you want I mean on the next "What is Masquerade" which will be coming in the future!

Thanks for the support guys, be sure to check out the Masquerade Facebook page. Take care!