Monday, October 22, 2012

New Website- Coming Soon!

I know it sounds cliched, with the coming soon thing that is, but Masquerade be having it's own official website where I plan on advertising and eventually selling the products. That and the card back has been where I've really pooling my resources during the weekend.

I promised last week was going to be where I looked into copyrighting the game, but things have been moving forward with the website. I found a friend who is interested in organizing the site as I had envisioned it but he needed me to create all the pages, so I couldn't resist.

Here's what the new homepage is going to look like, call it a teaser:

The style is going for a realistic feel with all sorts of nods to events and characters in the book. The cheery character drawing will also be seen on many of the pages, as you can see from the homepage. A lot of the symbols like the wax stamps and letters are things that appear in the card game as well.

My hope is that this flashy new site will grab people's attention and allow me to show the project more seriously at conventions. The hosting has already been purchased and soon will be going live!

There's also the card backs which I've been working on. I was going for a stained glass window look, but I'm thinking about swapping up the colors for something more relative. Going to ask my artist friends though, but if any of you have feedback, feel free to comment!

This week I hope to print out the latest versions of the cards for a final playtest round to test the rulebook again the week after. I hope things go well!

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